Tuesday 15 May 2012


In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
We have followed the conventions of real music products of the genre R&B, using a sexual representation  of women. This respresentation has been created using mis-en-scene; revealing black costumes, creating the image of femme fatale.
We used the narrative of a man being represented as a player, this is a popular theme within R&B/Pop style music videos. 
We have used a house style of black and red, this theme connotes sexuality  throughout our  media products
Videos similar to what we have created and have influenced our ideas are:
Britney Spears-Womaniser
Pussycat Dolls-Buttons

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
We have created a house style by using the same colours (red and black) throughout  all our media products we have created and similar images of lips and text format throughout. Through mis-en-scene we have created an image of femme fatale  usi ng revealing  black costumes, young actresses and dark hair.  This image follows through onto the poster and digipak.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Our specified target audience is young females  from 16-25,  and men around  the similar age. From the audience feedback we received from the screening session we have discovered that the narrative of our media product is c lear as well as following the conventions of the R&B/Pop genre, there are areas we could improve within the post production /editing techniques.

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
When creating our media product and website we used technology such as Photoshop to create our digi-pak and poster to promote our media product. We also used the lighting, cameras, green screen to film our media product. During post production we used Adobe Premier Pro to edit our footage, while using this we used many techniques to try to individualise our media product.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Final Production

Above is  our music video production, which has been finalised after we had complete all our post production using Adobe Premier Pro. The final Digipak and poster designs have been digitalised using Photoshop software, both being presented more professionally and continuing with the house style, relating to the target audience and representing the media product as a whole.
The final music video is also incorporated here to present all the media products together.

Final Product of the Digipak:

 Front Cover

 Inside The Front Cover

Behind CD

Back Cover

Final Product of the poster

Sunday 18 March 2012

Construction- Schedule

  • 11/10/2011-Filming Ella and Neil in a bedroom setting, filming in the media classroom, black costume and suit costume needed.

  • 13/10/2011-Filming Abby and Neil in the Television studios, black costume and suit needed.

  • 18/10/2011-Filming Abby, Ayesha, Ella and Neil in T.V studio, all actresses black costumes and Neils suit needed.

  • 22/10/2011-Filming Ella, Abby and Ayesha in T.V Studio, all actresses black costumes needed.

  • 25/10/2011-Capture and editing footage filmed so far in the edit suite.

  • 29/10/2011-Filming in the Odeon Cinema in Wrexham, Ayesha, Abby and Neil needed, in casual costumes. 

  • 1/11/2011-Filming in the college cafe, Abby, Neil and Ayesha in casual costumes needed.

  • 2/11/2011-Capturing and editing footage filmed in the edit suite.

  • 6/11/2011-Filming Ella, Abby, Ayesha and Neil in the T.V Studio, all actresses black costumes and Neils black suit needed.

  • 16/11/2011-Capturing and editing footage filmed in the edit suite.

  • 23/11/2011-Editing footage in the edit suite.

  • 29/11/2011-Filming Abby using a mobile phone prop, casual costume needed.

  • 6/12/2011-Capture remaining footage and final editing in the edit suite.

We created this schedule to ensure that we were all present when we were needed, that we knew exactly what we were doing so we were always prepared, and to make sure that that we had enough time to complete the entire production.

Construction- Structure for the Music Video

The timeline for the music video shows us exactly what scenes will be filmed, presenting what action and stating what shot will be used to convey the action.

Planning- Poster

This draft of the poster for the media product includes the house style, black and red colours, the main image of red lips runs throughout the media products and represents the sexuality of our production. I have included the band name 'Sweet', the album title 'Seduction', the release date of the album aswell as the website address for the band.

Planning- Digipak

This image presents the overall view of our initial plan of our digipak before it was digitalised using photoshop, the front cover, back cover (including trach list) and the inside behind the CD and the front cover.

The front cover includes the band title 'Sweet', the colours chosen are the house colours for the band; black and red.

The inside of the front cover is similar to the front and back cover, including various bright colours to include the conventions of the original colours of Rihanna's Rude Boy video, making the silhouette images stand out.

Behind the CD includes the house style, with a large 'S' representing the bands name.

The back cover presents a mirror image of the front cover, including the same image and house colours, it also includes the track list and the music company and details at the bottom left.

Planning- Branding

This image presents the branding  for our project, the various images and styles for the bands name present the image we have taken for the project; sexual and female dominated.

Planning- Storyboard

The storyboard is a rough plan of how the video's narrative will run, including the various shots which will be used to create the story of the video.

Planning-Shot List

Shot 1- A mid-shot presenting the three female protagonists of the group, to show the dominant female sexuality of all the women
Shot 2- An extreme close up of one female lip-syncing, focusing entire on her lips
Shot 3- A mid-shot of the main male character, this shot juxaposes against the mid-shot of the female characters
Shot 4- A wide shot of a bedroom setting presenting the geographical location, preparing the audience for the following scenes within that setting
Shot 5- A mid-shot of one female lying on the bed with the male character, presenting the sexual tension which drives the narrative along
Shot 6- A mid-shot of the same female character from the previous scene lip-syncing to the lyrics, this prepares the audience for the next scene
Shot 7- A wide shot of the cinema location, from the bottom corner of the shot a different female character with the male character walk into the shot setting the tone for a romantic date scene
Shot 8- A mid-shot of the female character lip-syncing to the chorus, leading on to the next scene
Shot 9- A wide shot of a different female character in a cafe setting with the male character, this presents a romantic coffee date
Shot 10- A mid-shot of the female character lip-syncing to the chorus

Planning- Location

The locations we used during the product of our music video were the Odeon cinema in Wrexham after asking permission to film there, the cafe in college, we also filmed in the media classroom, transforming it into a bedroom scene using various props. The main location used was the television studio, filming against a green screen so we could add various techniques in post production.

Media Classroom Transfered into a Bedroom

Cafe Location

Odeon Cinema

Various Locations

Planning- Costume

The costumes for each actress within the media product are black, revealing clothes to represent the sexuality and star image of femme fatale. Props used mostly occured when filming the bedroom scene, pillow, duvet, and black blanket props creates the setting of a bedroom when filming within the media classroom. The costume used for the main actor within the music video was a black suit with a white shirt to represent his masculinity juxtapposed to the sexual femme fatale image of the actresses.

Planning- Moodboard

The moodboard for our group 'Sweet' contains images of female artists associated with the female artist 'Rihanna' of whoms music we are using for our project. We've also incorportated the lyrics to the song 'Rude Boy'. All the images we've used contain bright, neon colours which is a main aspect of Rihanna's video for 'Rude Boy' and draws attention to the moodboard.
To personalise the moodboard we've created our own images of lips using red and lipstick, this incorporates the sexuality of our group 'Sweet' and the song.

Music Video Analysis

Shot 1

The first shot uses a close up shot focussed on a skull prop, with Florence blurred in the background; she appears to have a veil draped over her face. The lighting is mainly onto the skull prop; the protagonist face is half lit with very soft lighting, making her appear very natural.

Shot 2

This is a wide shot of a man crouching on a throne, the shot is very dark; the only light is from a low angle onto the throne. The man’s costume is purple and leaves him very bare; he also has an unusual hairstyle, representing him as a tribal man.

Shot 3

This is a wide shot, presenting the geographical location of a church. The lighting focuses on the figure of Christ, the boys are under a smoke effect, leaving the main focus of the figure of Christ.

Shot 4

Florence's face is half lit in this mid-close up shot; her hair and make-up from the hair and make-up department make her appear very bare and natural.

Shot 5

This shot presents the geographical location of a city, with Florence in the foreground, the costume and make up department have presented her as quite plain with minimal make up and a long dark gown.

Shot 6

This is a wide shot of a church choir, all the boys have been dressed by the costume department in traditional choir clothing draped in black.

Shot 7

This is a mid-shot of a man, dressed by the costume department in tribal clothing; the shot has minimal lighting, only showing his position as he is bent backwards in front of a throne.

Shot 8

This is a mid-shot of a man dressed in a purple gown, his face is slightly half lit with the main lighting behind him onto the graffiti on the wall.

Shot 9

This shot presents the city from a high angle, with Florence at the bottom of the shot as the main focus is on the city, there appears to be no artificial lighting.

Shot 10

This is a wide shot presenting a man dressed in tribal clothing on chequered floor, with candle props in front of him, this is where the only lighting comes from, creating a shadow behind him.

Shot 11

This is a wide shot from an extreme high angle showing the location of a city as Florence in the centre of the shot is falling through it.

Shot 12

This is a geographical shot presenting the location of a church; the lighting is from above, capturing the figure of Christ in the background and highlighting the choir boys at the bottom of the shot. 

Shot 13

This is a close up of Florence's face, as her face is turned to the side she is half lit with soft lighting. She is dressed by the costume department in very elegant, natural coloured clothing and headwear. Her make up from the make-up department is very subtle and minimal to present natural beauty.

Survey Results

These graphs present the results from an audience research survey I produced to discover audiences favourite genre, artists, music videos and how they listen to music from variouses sources. From these results I have found out that R&B and Pop are  propular genres of music, which is why I have decided to use a R&B/Pop style track for my music video, also Rihanna is one of the favourite artists for people to listen to which is why this was a suitable artist to use for the music video and has a very influential fashion which has been incorportated within the video I am producing.