Sunday 18 March 2012

Planning-Shot List

Shot 1- A mid-shot presenting the three female protagonists of the group, to show the dominant female sexuality of all the women
Shot 2- An extreme close up of one female lip-syncing, focusing entire on her lips
Shot 3- A mid-shot of the main male character, this shot juxaposes against the mid-shot of the female characters
Shot 4- A wide shot of a bedroom setting presenting the geographical location, preparing the audience for the following scenes within that setting
Shot 5- A mid-shot of one female lying on the bed with the male character, presenting the sexual tension which drives the narrative along
Shot 6- A mid-shot of the same female character from the previous scene lip-syncing to the lyrics, this prepares the audience for the next scene
Shot 7- A wide shot of the cinema location, from the bottom corner of the shot a different female character with the male character walk into the shot setting the tone for a romantic date scene
Shot 8- A mid-shot of the female character lip-syncing to the chorus, leading on to the next scene
Shot 9- A wide shot of a different female character in a cafe setting with the male character, this presents a romantic coffee date
Shot 10- A mid-shot of the female character lip-syncing to the chorus

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